Produce Lasting, High-Gloss Polished Surfaces
These two compounds work together, and pack a one-two-punch for polish after parts have been sanded. Not only do they produce an impressive shine, but both are formulated so that fabricators use only about half the amount of compound compared to traditional materials. They naturally cool the surface as it's polished, preventing burn-through.
- Step One picks up where sanding leaves off and removes scratches left behind by 600- to 1000-grit sandpaper. This fast-cutting compound will also remove styrene and wax build-up from molds and is ideal for buffing products like Duratec® primers. Step One is blue/green in color (not recommended for white surfaces).
- Follow-up with Step Two to remove even finer scratches and produce an exceptionally high-gloss surface on gel coats and Duratec® primers. Step Two is white in color.
Both compounds are water based and environmentally friendly. They are made from tallows and natural grits and contain no solvents, waxes or polymers. Both products are perfect for polishing FRP parts, molds, and even painted surfaces.
For best results, apply #1102 and #1103 with a powered rotary buffer at 2500 rpms, and use with our #1104-A buffing pads.