Collection: Gel Coating & Supplies
Our low emission premium polyester gel coat delivers superior cosmetics and durability for parts and molds. Choose from traditional gel coats such as white, neutral, and clear, as well as orange or black tooling gel coats. Or choose from over 900 colors! Fibre Glast offers premium low emission polyester color gel coat that can be perfectly matched every time. Whether you select an RAL favorite, or choose one of 730 custom Instint® colors, these gel coats feature high gloss, UV protection, and blister resistance with excellent adhesive properties. These gel coats are also easy to use and easy to repair. All of our gel coats resist UV degradation and water absorption. To learn more about gel coat please visit our Learning Center articles Gel Coat Application Guide and Gel Coat Troubleshooting Guide.
Shop our selection of polyester resins, gel coats, spray guns, and supplies below!