Scion FR-S Tuner Challenge

Scion FR-S Tuner Challenge

2012 SEMA Show

Scion FR-S Header Image

Congratulations to Chris Basseglia and R Miller Auto for taking 1st Place in the Scion FR-S Tuner Challenge with their Minty FReSh FR-S! Fibre Glast is a proud sponsor of this award-winning car!

In August 2012, Scion chose three custom car builders and gave them each a 2013 Scion FR-S, a $15,000 build budget, and 90 days to build the best FR-S they could.

Scion FR-S Collage Image

The three finished cars were viewed by an independent car show judging company on October 31, 2012 in the Scion Booth at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas. Chris Basseglia's Minty FReSh FR-S went home with 1st Place and a $10,000 prize.

View Chris Basseglia of Lebanon, PA talk about his Minty FReSh FR-S in this video.

Fibre Glast as a Sponsor

Fibre Glast supplied R Miller Auto with materials to create pieces in the custom-made body kit on Chris Basseglia's Scion FR-S. R Miller Auto was able to use a vacuum infusion technique to create unique body features.

Here's a video of R Miller Auto using Fibre Glast materials in a Vacuum Infusion application.

What is Vacuum Infusion?

Vacuum Infusion is a fabrication technique that uses vacuum pressure to drive resin into a laminate while in the mold. Dry materials are laid into the mold and the vacuum pressure is applied before resin is introduced. Once a complete vacuum is achieved, resin is forced into the laminate via vacuum tubing. The vacuum infusion process offers a better fiber-to-resin ratio than hand lay-up or vacuum bagging.

Fibre Glast Materials Used by R Miller Auto

#251 Continuous Strand Mat

#580-A Yellow Sealant Tape

#582 Nylon Release Peel Ply

#891-A Vacuum Connector

#893 Vacuum Tubing

#1093 Unidirectional E-Glass

#1401 EnkaFusion Nylon Matting

#1403 Spiral Tubing

#1408 Lantor Soric XF

#1688 Stretchlon 800 Bagging Film

The Other Scion FR-S Tuner Challengers

Carbon Stealth FR-S by John Toca of Chicago, IL. 2nd Place.

FR-S GT by Daniel Song of Orange County, CA. 3rd Place

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